Tuesday, June 29, 2010


The whole mess in the Gulf Coast has helped me to realize that nobody ever wants to take responsibility for anything. BP complains about regulations, the government gets upset that BP does not comply with regulations, and at the end of the day, we all still need oil.

Seeing BP's CEO get grilled by Congress elongates the blame game, with senators bitching and even getting pissed at the current administration (fuc*$&' politics!) and their response. Yet, we again still need the services of these retarded corporations.

Amongst the political back-and-forth, I have come to realize that this whole oil spill thing is most likely a collective epic fail. BP fails in that the company probably did (and still does) gloss over restrictions and regulations. The government fails through just wanting to point fingers. The general public fails for putting their whole trust in the government. Consumers fail for being addicted to gas. And the human race fails, for messing up the Earth, again.

Maybe the real things that we should be focused on is our addiction to oil, or the power of corporations, or the restrictions of government. Instead of looking at these themes, we choose the blame game. Epic fail.