Saturday, February 27, 2010

Healthcare in the United States...

Even though I try not to think about my generation and our future, sometimes I just have to wrestle with some ideas. One of those ideas is healthcare. What the hell is the right answer? I don't know, and I am also willing to bet that not a whole lot of people really know too.

So, on one corner of the debate, there are people who say that health insurance should be left to the private sector (as it stands now). I guess one plus of keeping it in the private sector would be having these companies keep each other in economic check (prices to the consumers) and keep costs low (at least in theory). However, how could we get most people covered (i.e. if your employer does not provide any type of health care, what do you do?).

On another corner of the debate is making healthcare nationalized. One plus of giving the government control over healthcare could come from larger coverage, however, as many of us have experienced, do we really want the government as the only (or one of many) options? The DMV comes to my mind, and I'm already pissed.

I really don't know the answer, and I think a lot of people who put themselves in one of the aforementioned camps (and the two that I spoke of are not the only points of views, either) tend to just want to tell you how stupid the other "group" is. I hope something does work out, because the thought of people going in bankruptcy or loosing their (for example) homes due to medical bills in almost unfathomable to me.

This is another example of me wishing my brain did not have to mindfuck so many things...oh well, so is the price of being a thinker...

1 comment:

  1. The topic is complicated but the core value is black and white.

    Do you believe that the government can have a positive role in our lives in regard to health care or not?

    Last i checked, 25% of Californians are uninsured in terms of health. Fuck the Federal health reform, if the state government can do worse than that I'd like to see proof.
