Sunday, February 28, 2010


World War II in High Definition on the history channel is pretty amazing. There is something about seeing footage of the war in color that just automatically captures your attention. I also believe that one of the factors in a lot of people's interest in watching it lies in the fact that most of us grew up reading and watching WW II in black and white.

However, at the same time, WWII in HD also makes the memories of war (at least for me) even more brutal. I am specifically speaking of the American island hopping in the South Pacific toward Japan and the footage of the Holocaust. Having already seen most of these brutal events in black and white, the addition of color just magnifies the intensity and emotionality of the war for most people (I am referring to the universally quiet and shocked faces of my friends as we watched the allies liberate the death camps).

World War II has always quite literally been a trip for me. On one hand, it is very interesting to learn about and discover the many aspects behind the largest war ever fought on this planet. At the same time, the brutality of the war also makes one ask why man is so brutal toward once another...

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