Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Power to Tax Is the Power to....Decide?

I always thought, and still continue to think, that it would be a good idea to show all workers on their pay stubs where their taxes were exactly going. Seeing where Uncle Sam was "borrowing" my money would in some way make me feel better about forking over money to my state and federal governments.

For example, if I saw on my paycheck that part of my federal taxes went to some type of public works project or giving more money to a school district in need, I would probably not be as pissed off as to the amount of $ taken from my paycheck each week.

But then again, since we as taxpayers do not have the power to decide where our taxed income goes, the idea of your pay stub telling your where your taxed money went is kind of pointless.

Oh well, one can dream...


  1. Hey Aaron, Cameron here.

    Your bring up an interesting point, I to wouldn't mind seeing where my taxes went, that'd be both interesting and perhaps a bit calming. However. I do think the idea of having someone "choose" where their taxes go is perhaps not the right idea. The reason I say this is if we let people choose, is that I don't think they'd choose the right sort of things. Call my cynical, but I'm not sure if people would then choose to have their taxes go towards things like libraries or help for the homeless or things like that. Would some? Sure I don't doubt that, but enough to keep those things going, that's where things become a bit sketchy. If we did however I'd hope that perhaps maybe things like the military would get a bitof a cut, not a huge one mind you, not one that leaves us defenseless, but not one that uses up billions a year. But again that's me.

    Keep blogging, keep posting your ideas.


  2. True that Cameron, there is also, for me at least, no way in hell that I would trust people to "send" their taxes to "just" causes.
